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"Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

Carolyn Hurst

Hey there! Glad you are checking out Passion to Know More!


For the first 2/3rds of my life I was what I call an "Occasional Christian." I occasionally went to church, occasionally said a quick prayer when I needed something, and occasionally thought about God. 

And then - 

God gave me a passion to know more of Him.


I joined Bible study groups, began taking classes, and I became intentional in reading and studying the Bible. Light bulbs started going off! I started connecting-the-dots.

I now know what it is I believe and why I believe it. That has been life-changing for me!​

All of this led to teaching classes and eventually to this website.

Sharing what l am learning

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Scripture pictures, quotes, Bible trivia, blogs, encouragement,...

I love to travel and I take my photographs and add Scripture!

Romans 1-20.jpg

Recommended Christian Books

I worked in a Christian bookstore years ago.

I served in the bookstore at church for years.

And I LOVE to read!

I've been recommending Christian books in many of my blogs. Check out the 

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