A good way to learn about the Bible is with trivia.
What is the longest psalm in the Bible?
How many books are in the New Testament?
David's occupation before he became a king was ______________?
What does the Bible say has never been tamed by man?
What was the name of the queen who was devoured by dogs?
How many hours was Jesus on the cross?
What is the last word in the Bible?
Awhile ago a phone app came out called Quiz Up. You could choose the categories Bible, Old Testament, or New Testament and play a random opponent from somewhere around the world. The quizzes were timed, so you had to be quick to win. The questions were harder than you think! Sadly Quiz Up no longer exists. It was a fun way to test your Bible knowledge.
Several months ago I started adding Bible Trivia to my public Facebook page, Passion to Know More. Initially the questions were from Quiz Up or just some question I made up.

Now I mainly use The Awesome Book of Bible Trivia by Bob Phillips (link*) to come up with questions for the Facebook page. So far the questions have come from the Easy and Fairly Easy sections. They get much harder!
There are lots of Bible trivia books out there though and I bought several when I worked at a Christian bookstore. (Employee discount!)
Here are the other ones I have:

Nelson's Amazing Bible Trivia - Book 1 by Brad Densmore (ebook only link*)
My Final Answer Bible Trivia by Paul Kent
Test Your Bible Knowledge by Carl S. Shoup (link*)
So You Think You Know the Bible? by Conover Swofford
If you go to any of these links which direct you to Christianbook and then search for "trivia books," many others will come up. A lot of kids trivia books are sold.
Bible trivia is a fun way to learn about the Bible.
(link* - A small portion of any purchases through these links helps support this webpage. Thank you.)